What is Keyword Research and Why is it important?

keyword research guide

What is Keyword Research and Why is it important?

In today’s digital world everything starts with a keyword by users who need or search for anything on the internet.
Let’s get into the details of what these keywords are all about and how important it is to you as a digital marketer to know the proper way of doing a keyword research.

What are keywords?

Keywords: the words and phrases that searchers enter into search engines, also called “search queries.”

Keywords are essential because the better the targeted keywords, the higher your page will rank on search engines. 

Two main types of keywords:

  • Singular/Primary keywords: High search volume but competitive. Eg. “cats”
  • Long-tail keywords: a combination of 2-3 key phrases and more specific. Eg “best organic cat food for kittens” 

What is keyword research? Why is it important?

A keyword search is the words used by internet users to find what they are looking for. Keyword research is finding what these words are.

Keyword research is important:

  • Gives vital information: E.g where you rank for keywords, which keywords are easy to rank for and which keywords your competitors are ranking for SEO.
  • Identifying keywords to use in blogs and outreach can drive traffic to your website.
  • Keyword research can tell you what people are searching for, rather than what you think they are searching for.
  • Keyword research is very important to identify your target keywords for the Google Ads.

Steps to a keyword research

Step 1: Make a list of relevant/related topics 

Step 2: Look at competitors websites, keyword finder tools, google search/trends and find all related keywords/phrases

Step 3: Identify and separate them into single word keywords/keyphrases (long tail) and then prioritise (see what is most important)

Keep this in mind when writing…

  • Look at competitor pages (websites, social media platforms, blogs)
  • Do keyword research & find multiple keywords/phrases
  • Try to include the “keyword” or the Keyphrase in the title of the blog article
  • Include the keyphrase/keyword at least four times in the article
  • Easy understandable language & short sentences
  • Use a mix of high and low search volume keywords

Tips & Tools for Keyword research

Some small tips to help you when searching for keywords

  • Quotation marks: “….”
  •  exact phrase: E.g. if you type “choosing the right cricket bat”, you’ll get searches showing the exact phrase.
  • Quotation marks with OR: “…..” or “…..”
  • Search results with both words: E.g. “baseball” or “basketball” will show you search results with both
  • Use competitor websites
  • Tools Like KW Finder, Google Keyword Planner, SEM Rush keywords, Google trends, free keyword-finding tools like Wordstream

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